While many across our Republic are analyzing the results and lessons learned for both sides, President John Pudner turned his focus toward an issue pointed out by Elon Musk - the bi-partisan support, specifics, and need for not only enacting mandatory Voter ID laws across our Republic, but also standing behind and defending the paramount need for the Electoral College, even in the face of President-elect Trump's popular vote victory just two weeks ago.
As Pudner writes in his latest Newsmax column, the future of elections across our Republic stands at stake when debating on these two issues. With California Governor Gavin Newsom’s statewide ban on Voter ID, designed to supersede city and county law, it's even made Elon Musk, a former resident of the state who moved SpaceX and X's HQs to Texas, dubbing that, “the Joker is in charge,” and recently noting the story of a friend of his likening showing his ID to vote as, "like showing the Cross to a vampire". As facetious as these comparisons may be on their face, one thing is made abundantly clear by both - lax voting laws could fuel manipulation, and ultimately, skew national elections and undermine voter confidence.
Pudner notes how this is also part of a long-term, concerted effort by some liberals to push for wider adoption of the National Popular Vote as the new electoral standard, eliminating the Electoral College to render states with Voter ID laws irrelevant in presidential elections - often states not part of the coastal blue walls as seen in the map graphic above. As Pudner surmises, this compact isn’t about fairness, equality, or anything other than the cynical, complete, and absolute consolidation of power, leading to what could be dangerous implications for the future of our Republic itself.
Click here to read President John Pudner's full op-ed, which includes the following section on the rank hypocrisy found in coastal-elite liberals pushing for the National Popular Vote:
"In all, 18 liberal states have passed laws agreeing to allocate their electors based on the NPV, but instead, they will hypocritically award their combined 209 electoral votes to Kamala Harris. After years of pushing conservative states to follow this NPV system, these same states have refused to practice what they preach. Their legislation only applies the NPV if it results in a 270+ electoral vote win, meaning they’re unwilling to follow their own laws unless they can guarantee a win for their side.
These 18 states, that have approved the NPV, should immediately award their electors to Trump, adding 209 electoral votes to his total. But they won’t. The fine print in these laws says the compact only takes effect if they can pull together 270 electors between them, which would disenfranchise all the other states by making their votes irrelevant. This raises serious concerns about the real motive behind the NPV."