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Voatz and Take Back Action Fund partner to drive access to voting


Updated: Nov 6, 2021

Voatz and Take Back Action Fund announced their partnership to champion secure voting options for those who cannot vote, or who are challenged to vote in person or on paper.


Voatz, a secure mobile voting platform, and Take Back Action Fund, a non-profit that is dedicated to making sure that everyone can join the electoral process, today announced their partnership to champion secure voting options for those who cannot or who are challenged to vote in person or on paper. This call-to-action specifically and especially impacts our deployed military service personnel, overseas citizens, and voters with disabilities.

At a time of deeply polarized debates questioning the legitimacy of every step of the electoral process, we are joining together to build a state-level enfranchisement campaign based on the idea that everyone has the right to a secure and secret ballot.

We know that having a successful election in November 2020 will mean that everyone, irrespective of circumstances, will be able to exercise their right to vote. Yet, as we’ve witnessed in the primaries, in-person voting descended into chaos in many cases, people with disabilities faced multiple levels of challenges on election day, and U.S. citizens in roughly 100 countries are completely cut off from postal mail, making it nearly impossible for deployed military and overseas citizens to send in a secret ballot.

Take Back Action Fund will start its grassroots and activist work in West Virginia, which pioneered and successfully implemented mobile voting for these specific groups in a successful 2018 pilot. Voatz partnered with the state at the time, with military service people participating from 26 countries.

Take Back Action Fund will work to unite non-profits, military service members, and local disability rights groups to voice their concerns about current voting options and work to create a seat at the table for everyone. Take Back Action Fund will send a clear message that recent advancements in technology have made it possible to deliver an uncompromised, private vote in these critical elections.

Nimit Sawhney, co-founder and CEO of Voatz said, “Making voting accessible for everyone is our driving mission at Voatz. We believe our platform can make voting not only more accessible but also more secure for certain segments of the population when compared to their current options. Our experience with West Virginia in 2018, and our overall 67 successful elections (11 governmental pilots) have showcased that we can deliver a secure and private ballot.”

John Pudner, President at Take Back Action Fund said, “We recognize the painful situation unfolding in our nation right now and its major impact on our ability to vote in person. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks observing and listening to disenfranchised groups from across the country who have been particularly vulnerable to these shocks to the system, and it is more apparent than ever that in order to enact systemic change, we must ensure a seat at the table for everyone. There is no one solution that will ensure everyone can vote. With Voatz, we see that it’s possible to securely bridge the limitations of vote by mail and voting at a polling station.”

About Voatz Voatz is an award-winning mobile elections platform that leverages cutting-edge technology (including biometrics and a blockchain-based infrastructure) to increase access and security in elections. Since 2016 Voatz has run more than 67 elections with cities, universities, towns, nonprofits, and both major state political parties for convention voting. Learn more at

About Take Back Action Fund Take Back Action Fund or TBAF (also recognized by the IRS as Take Back Our Republic Action Fund) launched on May 5, 2015, three months after its sister organization Take Back Our Republic (Take Back). TBAF is a conservative, non-partisan 501(c)(4) organization.


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