Pictured: The headline for a Newsmax op-ed written by TBORA President John Pudner on the need to enact, popular support for, and the left's hypocrisy on mandatory Voter ID laws.
The top focus of Take Back Our Republic Action (TBORA) is on the rules that govern elections. After all, without sound rules that ensure the security of and faith in our elections, none of the other important issues we care about have a chance. More specifically, we continue to focus on helping to enact robust yet common-sense election security measures across our Republic that ensure secure, free, and fair elections that deliver final results on election day which reflect the will of the voters without question or controversy.
As TBORA President John Pudner writes in his latest Newsmax op-ed, enacting mandatory Voter ID laws not only help ensure this occurs, but doing so is a widely-supported, bi-partisan, and well-tested measure that's proven to work. His piece also highlights the apparent contradiction by many liberals of wanting politicians to follow public opinion polls to set policy, except regarding Voter ID. You can click here to read his full op-ed, in which he also discusses why enacting mandatory Voter ID laws is important, prudent, and practical:
"The fact is that election operations continue to rapidly evolve, and because of this, it’s clear that there need to be sound, measured solutions that universally apply, help aid election operations, and ensure election integrity. Enacting Voter ID in every state is one such solution."
For more on TBORA's efforts on election integrity, please click here.