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Updated: Jan 18, 2023

The Take Back Action team led door-to-door canvassers in Cheyenne and Douglas, WY this week to talk to residents about the potential to bring instant runoffs to the state.

"Most of Wyoming is rural so we are inviting people to events, but in places like Cheyenne it is great to go to them to answer questions about how the system works," said Ashley Sellers, one of 10 canvassers organized by Western Field Director Clark Caras.

"Just like in Utah, most voters seem to believe instant runoffs will improve elections, they are just concerned the first time it is used it might be a little confusing," said Caras, who worked to help pass similar legislation in Utah this year.

"Political people pay thousands of dollars to poll voters, but we find we get a much better understanding of voters ideas when talking to them at their front door," said John Pudner, who knocked on doors two hours from Cheyenne in Douglas, and last year appeared on Fox News while in Cheyenne and is pictured below at the home of the first of many voters he talked to in Douglas. "It is much more helpful when talking to Representatives and Senators to let them know what you heard in real conversations at homes in their districts.

An event will be held July 1 in Cheyenne and an initial measure passed a joint committee by a 9-5 vote.

For more on TBORA's efforts on Final Five, please click here.


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