With successful wins at the FEC, a Statewide effort in South Carolina and at the ballot box, Take Back Action Fund is expanding efforts into four states for 2020.
Current Projects:
Elected School Boards in Alabama. In their first years of running political efforts in Virginia, current members of the TBAF team fought against efforts by Democrats to prevent Virginians from electing their own school boards. Ironically decades later it is Republicans trying to take the right of Alabamians to elect their own state school board. TBAF asks voters to vote NO on Amendment One in order to preserve their right to elect the Alabama State Board of Education, rather than have it appointed by political insiders.
Holding local officials accountable for policy decisions that create problems with traffic and even flooding by doing the bidding of major donors and political cronies. TBAF personnel will ask voters leaving primary precincts if they believe flooding is a key issue that must be addressed by infrastructure improvements and other prioritization to prevent the owners of homes and businesses from losing property.
Create a study committee regarding the cost savings and other advantages of bringing instant runoffs to Georgia. Click for website.
Knocking on thousands of doors in Massachusetts to learn the priorities of voters outside the Boston Metro area.