Since TBAF’s Missouri kickoff in late January, Central Field Director Carl Anderson has worked throughout the state including March 4th - 6th with a bang reaching 4 communities in Missouri across the state. With a weekend full of gun shows, Central Field Director Anderson began in Springfield with an introductory meeting with conservative leader Dr. Scott Magill of the Veterans in Defense of Liberty. Dr. Magill is a strong conservative, deeply valuing the representative nature of our Republic, and has organized hundreds of conservative motorcyclists in rallies. With that value comes the desire for fair elections and honest election practices.
One of the key values of TBAF is supporting Election Integrity in its many forms. One important method of protecting the power of the voter is to establish a system of Instant Runoff combined with Final Four voting as is presented in Missouri’s Constitutional Amendment being presented on the ballot later this year.
Later in the weekend Anderson was able to reach 3 gun shows across the state, reaching crowds of conservatives in Jefferson City, Sedalia and Neosho, Missouri. Gun Show attendees in Sedalia were particularly receptive to the primary changes that would take place as a part of the Final Four method..
Many attendees of the Midwest Arms Sedalia Gun Show considered this component to be “common sense” and “the way it always should have been”. It prevents a “spoiler candidate,” for example a libertarian or pro-life candidate who could be promoted to pull votes away from a Republican to allow a Democrat to win a minority (e.g. Democrat 47%, Republican 46%, Libertarian 5% and Pro-life 2% in a 53% conservative district).
The proposal also “requires that all electronic voting machines be tested and certified as secure before they are used, require a paper trail of individual votes in every election, and require that representatives of all political parties be present whenever paper ballots are counted or placed in storage,” as noted on this website which explains all aspects of the changes.
Anderson also attended Christ’s Church of Oronogo where crowds gather in multiple services usually averaging a total attendance of 2500 on a given Sunday morning. Another component of the proposed Amendment are the Election Integrity protections of requiring the testing and certification of election machines before elections and the keeping of paper ballots for a record after elections. In addition, the Amendment also requires that representatives of each candidate have the right to be present during the counting of the votes. In including these measures in the Constitutional Amendment, Missourians can insure that these safeguards will be maintained for years to come.
For more on TBORA's efforts on Final Five, please click here.