In 2021, Take Back Action Fund set the stage for expanding our common sense agenda and implementing conservative values that will drive our efforts throughout 2022. Less than a week into the new year, our team has raised more than $200,000 in contributions as we expand our operations across the east coast, focusing our efforts on electing conversative leaders in some of the nation’s most targeted districts.
We remain steadfast in our commitment to remain financially responsible and are overwhelmed by the generosity of our members and donors. However, to compete with the left’s influx of dark money, we need your help.
Let’s look at the major successes we achieved with your help in 2021.
Lobbying that Works
Battling the Liberal Media by Increasing Our Conservative Media Presence
TBAF’s strongest asset is our ability to break through the noise and be heard. In 2021, we were featured and interviewed 28 times by the top 10 conservative media outlets, each attracting an audience of 3 million or more.
Electing Conservative Leaders
Low overhead and flexible mobile field directors allows TBAF to ensure donations are used where they are most needed: in the field and on the ground. Allocating funding to door-to-door canvassing, petition gathering, phone banking and digital and traditional advertising has boosted turnout among center right voters and led to conservative victories on the ballot.
Protecting the Integrity of Our Elections and Maximizing Voter Participation
Instant Runoffs Promote the Majority Voice
When the center-right vote is split, candidates win without receiving a majority of votes, leaving most voters dissatisfied. The Wisconsin and Georgia Presidential races are two of the most recent examples highlighting the critical need for reform. To hedge against these outcomes, TBAF lobbied the Georgia legislature to incorporate and pass instant runoff legislation as part of the state’s voter integrity bill. Now, the Heritage Foundation ranks Georgia as the best state in the nation in the new election integrity scorecard.
Using Georgia as a model state, TBAF has registered to lobby in four states in 2022 to promote related legislation.
Final-Five Voting
When New York City tried to use ranked choice voting with 13 candidates in their mayoral primary, the outcome was a cumbersome process that took days to tally, and left voters frustrated - particularly republicans and independents who had no real voice in determining the mayoral outcome. Final-Five solves these election issues. In Final-Five elections, political parties choose their endorsed candidate, and a playoff primary is held where voters cast their vote for a single candidate. The top 5 candidates who emerge with the most votes advance to the general election, where voters have an opportunity to rank their preferred candidates in order of preference from 1 to 5. The votes are counted and if a candidate receives majority support with first-place votes, they win. If no candidate initially has a majority, the candidate with the fewest 1st place rankings is eliminated and any ballot that ranked this eliminated candidate as their 1st choice is transferred to their second choice and the ballots are re-counted until a majority winner is declared (instant runoffs). Final-Five serves the interests of general election voters while requiring elected officials to act in their constituency’s best interests to win and retain their office.
Supporting and Fighting for Stronger Voter ID Laws
After TBAF launched a massive effort to strengthen Voter ID requirements in West Virginia, U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin proposed a national Voter ID requirement.
Tracking and Exposing Liberal Dark Money
TBAF is actively working to promote and lobby for state legislation that prevents ActBlue from sending unverified donations to candidates and causes.
Expanding Our Network of State Chapters
West Virginia, Wisconsin, Maine and South Carolina chapters of TBAF have joined the fight for conservative values.
