This week marks the 1-year anniversary of Newsmax’s overtaking of CNN in ratings, as reported in our blog titled, “NewsMax tops CNN’s Anderson Cooper - 738,000 to 645,000 Viewers”. Some liberals and others, namely those in airport terminals across our Republic where CNN is the only show in town, pushed back when this first occurred just over a year ago. “This must be, has to be, a one-time fluke. There's no way this will ever repeat.”
They can’t say that anymore.
In what has been a David vs. Goliath-esque battle for ratings, Newsmax overtook CNN in ratings last Friday, the day after CNN hosted a town hall with former President Trump, by acquiring 357,000 average total viewers from the coveted 8-11 p.m. ET Friday timeslot to CNN’s 335,000, earning the third highest viewership for a cable news network during that slot behind mainstays like MSNBC and Fox News.
CNN, the original and once considered undisputed cable news king from Ronald Reagan’s election in 1980 through George W. Bush’s election and through the first two years of his term in 2002, now competes to play fourth fiddle following two decades in a continual downward spiral thanks to several controversies, promotion of embattled hosts like Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo, and continual leftward shift. As TBOR Action President John Pudner often jokingly says, the surest sign someone is a liberal today is if they say, “Do you think you will ever get on CNN?”
As CNN continues it's downward trajectory, Newsmax, conversely, continues to soar in web and TV traffic. They continue to grow despite the doubters, cynics, and censorship from companies such as DirectTV, which despite being available in 20 million fewer homes than CNN, was mysteriously dropped, then re-added, from their network package.
More importantly though, they continue to showcase the strength of their core mission - to provide compelling and topical content that informs Americans to better their lives and strengthen our freedoms. When asked about appearing on networks like CNN, John often quips, “Why would I do that when I’ve been on NewsMax TV and my columns are regularly featured in NewsMax?"
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