Our latest column appears in NewsMax, which this week rose to No. 1 among media outlets with 87 percent growth. We are thrilled to have such a great audience on their site in addition to our 70,000 email readers in Wisconsin and conservative leaders in all 50 states.
Click on our latest NewsMax piece entitled As Election '24 Looms, Concern About Crime Highest Since ‘93. The following are a few excepts:
… extensive analysis of crime trends like those conducted by Chris Kemble for the MacIver Institute and American Thinker …
Democrats do well when crime is not an issue, while Republicans do well when it is an issue…It may not be a coincidence that for the first time since 1993 more than 40% of Americans fear crime near their home, and Trump is now beating Biden in all battleground states.
The last time concern topped 40%, Republicans proposed the “Taking Back Our Streets Act” as part of the “Contract with America” as their campaign theme in 1994, and picked up more than 50 seats to take over Congress…
