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Data shows that half of 2019 donations to ActBlue came from untraceable 'unemployed' donors

Take Back Action Fund

Updated: Sep 13, 2020

If you missed the following stories yesterday, please click on this report on Fox News or this story in detailing the findings of Take Back Action Fund regarding Act Blue.

As these stories detail, more than 4.7 million donations totaling more than $346 million passed through Act Blue to liberal causes and candidates this cycle from people claiming not to have a job (or potentially others using their names to donate).

In 2019, before the pandemic skyrocketed unemployment, 47.4% of all donations through ActBlue were from people who claimed to not have a job, more than eight times the 5.6% as gave to the conservative counterpart WinRed. The 47.4 percent of Act Blue donors claiming in 2019 not to have a job was shockingly higher than the 4% unemployment rate PLUS the percent of Americans who are retired, and begs the question how these unemployed people had $346 million to give to liberal causes.

This story raises the concern foreign sources could be behind some of these donations, and anyone attempting to write this off as an ideological complaint should consider Act Blue has continued this practice despite history that includes

  1. The Washington Post, hardly a conservative bastion, first pointing out in 2008 how huge sums of untraceable money was being run through this system;

  2. More than 100 Members of Congress stopped using this unverified system after this 2015 position paper from our sister organization Take Back Our Republic first pointing out that this system could allow mass donations from foreign sources using fake American names;

  3. Before things became so partisan with Trump's election, dozens of Democrats joined dozens of Republicans (see complete list) in agreeing the system used by Act Blue was so bad that it should be outlawed; and,

  4. Take Back Action Fund won this FEC case against Facebook after they let through $0.2 million in political ads from Russia, but the questionable money this cycle from untraceable, unemployed donations is more than 1,000 times that amount of money.

This story was tweeted out by many including President Trump, Lindsey Graham, Jenna Ellis, Tammy Bruce, Pamela Geller, Mark Levin, the Trump War Room, Tony Shaffer, the Gateway Pundit and Erick Erickson, as well as the Daily Mail writing this story later in the day.


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