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Biden Whistleblowers Alleges Bias In Institutions: WFRK (Florence, SC) Fox News Interview

Writer's picture: John Pudner, President, TBAFJohn Pudner, President, TBAF

President John Pudner continued on his recent radio tour across our Republic in Florence, SC, to not only discuss the open-shut case of cocaine being found within the White House, but more pertinently, how faith in core government institutions continues to sink to new, all-time lows. To add insult to injury on this, at the same time this investigation mysteriously ceases as the Penn-Biden Center controversy continues, IRS whistleblowers testified before Congress attesting to the agency's slow-walking of analysis into Biden family finances. Both host Ken Ard and Pudner discuss the wide range of investigations into Biden and his family as well as the importance of and possible avenues to restoring America’s faith in core institutions.

To learn more about TBOR Action's efforts on topics including election integrity, please click here.

The following transcript from this interview is presented in its entirety with minor edits:


West Wing, cocaine, problem, liberal, Trump, government, system.


Ken Ard and TBOR Action President John Pudner

Ken Ard 00:00

One of the interesting issues that the media has chosen to not talk a lot about is cocaine in the White House. Eric Clapton comes to mind when I think of cocaine in the White House. President of Take Back Our Republic Action. He was also a Bush 2000 aide and is the only person in US history to run a campaign defeating a majority leader in a primary - John Pudner. John, good morning. How are you?

John Pudner 00:24

Morning, thanks for having me!

Ken Ard 00:25

So, nobody knows who the cocaine belongs to except Trump. I mean, imagine him saying something a bit out of the norm or against the grain, but Trump says it's disappointing that the Secret Service has closed this investigation, and he says they do know who this substance belongs to. What say you, John?

John Pudner 00:48

Well, we can't know that. I just think the fact that it was found in the West Wing is the crucial thing. The East Wing is what a lot of people walkthrough, so I think you'd have a little more credibility, if you're liberal, and say, "Well, a lot of tours go through there." Yeah, not in the West Wing. I mean, that's where we decide things like if we're going to war or not, so it is a much more limited number of people who would ever be in the West Wing, so it certainly seems like, at very least, your suspect list is much smaller, let's say.

Ken Ard 01:21

John, is it's fair to say that this adds to the narrative of, to me, an ever-growing number of Americans, not just skeptical of government, but highly suspicious of whether their federal government is telling them the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? How powerful a force is that in the body politic?

John Pudner 01:43

I think it is powerful. With this happening at the same time the second whistleblower is coming forward and testifying in front of a congressional committee that people were told not to investigate the Biden family on other matters, so I think it adds to it. Now, of course, the problem is the media that's been around for 30-40 years or longer does not cover a lot of things, so how much of it gets out our people, as you alluded to, in their silos, on their Twitter accounts, or who they're reading, etc. Although I will say, I tried to look for any coverage on these things in sort of the old media, I did find USA Today, to their credit, did note that the cocaine was found in the West Wing and that was not the part that people walked through, so I had the look, but I found a sentence. But, there's so much skepticism to start with, I think your average person, even if they don't really like Trump, goes, "Yeah, he's probably right. They really don't know what's happening in the West Wing of the White House?"

Ken Ard 02:47

I'm in business, formerly in politics, I accept that government has a kind of skepticism of business, business has a healthy skepticism of the government, but what happens when it becomes unhealthy? I mean, what happens when it becomes extreme, because the argument I make is Trump is a manifestation, I mean, he was inevitable - and I go back to 2008 when the banks were bailed out - there's a lot of things that have contributed to this period of chaos in American politics, and people try to argue that Trump is kind of the center of the chaos. I'm arguing that Trump is simply a by-product. I mean, he's not the cancer on the system. He's the most unregulated dose of chemotherapy we've ever released on a system that most Americans appear, or believe, to be cancerous, and that's why they voted for Trump. They didn't vote for Trump because they believed he had a better solution for this, or a better solution for that, they voted for Trump because he was not like everybody else that they believed was in all the fixed, Democrat and Republican. Do you believe there's some of that energy kickin?

John Pudner 03:53

Yes, and I think you can back up what you just said with stats. Look at the more than 10 million supporters of Bernie Sanders who then voted for Trump. I mean, clearly, that wasn't ideological. That was the view that the system's completely broken and that we've got to tear it down. I looked at some of the liberal announcements on Cornell West running as the Green Party candidate, which is a real problem for Biden, I mean, he's not Jill Stein, he has a following that adds up to several percent, and they're all liberal, his lead-in for these stories is, "I need to join the empire in order to tear it down." I mean, that's not that different at that level than Trump going to Washington to redo things, so you're right, the sentiments there, and it's not limited to just some right wing fringe or something. It's a very in-depth feeling that we don't trust anything anymore, and that's a real problem. What are we rallying around with if there's just nothing no insitution we have faith in as a people?

Ken Ard 04:56

So, do you have to tear it apart to build it back? There are some that believe you can take a scalpel and, you know, cut around the edges and a little bit of this, and there are others, and I probably fall in the latter camp, that believe there has to be some major, major, major event, or moment, or period in history before we can put Humpty Dumpty back together again. You fall where?

John Pudner 05:19

I'm more toward where you are. It's just become such a pay-to-play system, and unfortunately, part of that pay-to-play I think is China, that's not just even within the US. So, if your system is so corrupted, and I'm not even talking about anything illegal, I'm just looking at the money that flows through DC now, and anytime you're trading dollars for tax dollars with a very high return, you start right there with the money that's moving or the policy toward China, etc. So, that's a pretty in-depth problem. It's definitely beyond a scalpel. Of course, there are certain foundational things you want to leave in place, you don't want to start over, I'm not quite with Jefferson on the bloody revolution every 17 years, but it's gonna need to be a major overhaul the restore faith in the country.

Ken Ard 06:09

No question about it. I'm sure BlackRock and Vanguard will be sending you a Christmas card this year. Thank you, John. Appreciate the insight. Thank you very much.


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