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Biden Candidacy in Jeoprady Following Disastrous Debate: WSJK (Champaign, IL) Fox News Interview

Writer's picture: John Pudner, President, TBAFJohn Pudner, President, TBAF

As the RNC holds their convention this week in Pudner's home area of Milwaukee, President John Pudner returned to nearby Champaign, Illinois, a stone's throw away from where the Democratic National Convention will occur in just under a month, to focus in on President Biden's debate performance and now-dwindling hopes for re-election.

While former President Trump should easily, cleanly, and officially become the Republican Party's nominee, the case for President Biden’s candidacy, bluntly, now only hangs by a thread. His recent debate performance, widely panned by critics and seen as disastrous for his re-election hopes, has resulted in a historic electoral shift, including Trump now 6 points ahead in Wisconsin per the latest polling when, four years ago, Biden was 6.5 points ahead in the Badger State – a complete inversion from 2020. This seismic shift has also grown a rebellion within Democratic circles, with several Congressional Democrats publicly calling for Biden to step aside, an additional 22 members planning to do so in the coming days, Rep. James Clyburn, who is credited for playing a pivotal part in Biden’s 2020 victory, outlining his vision for a post-Biden Democrat ticket, and a document by senior Democratic operatives titled, “Unburdened by What Has Been: The Case for Kamala”, now circling big-money Democratic donor circles as they withhold donations until Biden withdraws.

One such megadonor, Abigail Disney, heiress to the Disney fortune, inadvertently said the quiet part out loud on why, despite the inherently dangerous precedent for our country, Jack Smith’s case against former President Trump remains the Democrat’s primary avenue for maintaining control of the White House: 

“If Biden does not step down, the Democrats will lose. Of that, I am absolutely certain.”

Alongside host Stevie Jay, Pudner analyzes the possibilities for Democrats moving forward, including a brokered convention which, funnily enough, also occurred in Chicago back in 1952, the likelihood that President Biden remains the presumptive Democrat nominee, who would replace him at the top of the ticket should be step down, and what this all means for Republicans as the country prepares itself to dive head first into what promises to be the most active, expensive, and divisive presidential election cycle in a generation.


Biden, VP, slim, campaign, lose, Milwaukee, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Trump, mess.


Diane Ducey, Stevie Jay, and TBOR Action President John Pudner


Stevie Jay  00:00

I'm happy to welcome back John Pudner, President of Take Back Our Republic Action, a Bush 2000 aide, and the only person in US history to run a campaign defeating a majority leader in her primary. John Pudner is in Milwaukee this morning, John, how are you?


John Pudner  00:19

Thanks for welcoming me across the border.


Stevie Jay  00:23

This just in....John Pudner of Milwaukee has agreed to take over the Biden, he's taking over the whole Democratic party!


John Pudner  00:38

Well, I've been concerned Biden is going to drop out, and so I thought I need to keep him on the ballot, so yes, I thought it would be a good job for me.


Stevie Jay  00:46

I have said for a year and a half that it's not going to be Joe Biden running for president. Am I going to be right?


John Pudner  00:56

The odds are definitely up. What amazes me is, I've seen several people that I think really do have insights, who have been absolutely positive on both sides of that question. Absolute no way he's off or yes, there's no way he's the nominee, just recently, so I don't know what to make of it. I don't know their inner workings.


Stevie Jay  01:13

I just don't think they're gonna let them, and you say it's all up to Biden. No, it's not. Call me whatever you want. All they have to do is say, "Mr. President, we appreciate your service, but I think you did take money from China. I'm afraid that's gonna leak." I mean, they could make this a mess, and Jill is porbably gonna take the money and get out. I just don't think they can go through this because he's gonna lose to Donald Trump.


John Pudner  01:42

Yeah, I think the poll yesterday showing him going from ten ahead to two down in New Hampshire, the big shocker... Now I will say New Hampshire undecided tend to break against us, and so I'm not saying Trump wins New Hampshire, but the fact that state could be in play....


Stevie Jay  02:01

Minnesota might be in play, Virginia might be in play. I mean, these are places that are hardcore. They're just blue states.


John Pudner  02:11

I think we won Minnesota back in 72'.


Stevie Jay  02:15

Wasn't it 49 to one or something?


John Pudner  02:19

Yes. Reagan lost it. Only state he lost twice.


Stevie Jay  02:23

So, I guess it's now what will they do? If Joe Biden doesn't agree, they've got Joe Biden, otherwise, what do you do with Kamala Harris, who's the most likely fill in if the Democrats need another opponent?


John Pudner  02:38

Well, what you certainly don't want is Gretchen Whitmer, she's a mid-western governor and could hold on to the state of Michigan, but the other one is certainly Gavin Newsom, who is just a mess. As he said, first thing is they have to release their delegates, and then you actually have a convention that is brokered, so that's what would play out.


Stevie Jay  02:59

As long as you've been in politics, John Pudner, you've never seen anything like this. I mean, you can have a Zoom call from Rikers Island for Donald Trump next week! I mean, this judge isn't going to let him just have probation is he?


John Pudner  03:15

Well, you certainly think so, everyone keeps staying slim to none, and even when he was scolding the defense, as you recall, toward the end of the trial, he's saying it's very unlikely to include prison. But, at the same time, they obviously live in another world in New York City, so they keep saying slim to none, but not saying none.


Stevie Jay  03:37

Any other surprises coming up for us? By the way, Trump's gotta pick a vice president in the next 10 days.


John Pudner  03:44

I keep saying on shows that if any of us were ever to say we knew the vice president was, that person be taken off the list. He's the only one he knows, so don't make predictions on that.


Stevie Jay  04:01

You really think he's that close to the vest on a decision like this?


John Pudner  04:09

Before he appointed Gorsuch, he wanted the Supreme Court judges who were being considered to drive across the country, and kind of have it like the reality race, and the one that got there first was the one he actually picked...


Stevie Jay  04:27

Any clue? I mean, I guess I'm thinking, whoever he picks, I'm trying to envision them as the next president, and I'm comfortable with Ben Carson, he might be too old, but I don't know. JD Vance? I think it is a crapshoot at this point, from our perspective, because we don't know.


John Pudner  04:45

That's right. I think that people do polling appears that Tim Scott is the one who helps him some, but it's just what he thinks and that's just pure polling. But, beyond that, he's got a gut from how he thinks that plays out and what would balanced him. Do you want a perhaps quieter VP since he is certainly out there?


Stevie Jay  05:14

If follows the Mike Pence pattern, then it would be somebody like Ben Carson or Tim Scott.


John Pudner  05:23

Yes, and I think certainly Scott's the one who you certainly think is in the mix after last year, but I did love the effort to say that the VP would be at the debate, and I'm sure plenty of people were there who, possibly, are the only one in town for the debate to be the VP.


Diane Ducey  05:43

I know you're a Republican naxals convention is right there in Milwaukee at the Fizer forum between July 15 and 18th. Are you looking forward to that? Will you attend? What's the plan?


John Pudner  05:58

We're are! I group I run in Wisconsin, Faith and Freedom, we're running actually a prayer breakfast for that last morning, the 18th, so that'll be a great event.


Stevie Jay  06:08

That's awesome, John. And you don't want to go back and live in Washington, huh?


John Pudner  06:12

No. Even was down there. I stayed an hour away. I was in Orange, and Fredericksburg, and anyway I could get there so I didn't have to be there.


Stevie Jay  06:22

One of my best friends is Rob Judson, a basketball coach, he said when I go recruit, I'd come home and need a bath. Didn't you need a bath?


John Pudner  06:31

Yeah, it's not a place you want...It changes people.


Stevie Jay  06:34

Doesn't it? I mean, you think about the Supreme Court. They're in there, it's 95% Democrat, and your kids go to school. I think you would soften if you were conservative.


John Pudner  06:48

That's right. And to go back to Reagan, he said that you see the cesspool of Washington, and once you go for a while, you think it's a sauna.


Stevie Jay  06:56

John Pudner, Prayer Breakfast leader. What how can people connect with you in the group or join are what do they do?


John Pudner  07:07, no spaces or underscores or anything, and we've got plenty on Jack Smith and the Supreme Court case on the site right now for anyone who's interested.


Stevie Jay  07:21

Definitely. You still hopeful? I mean, United States is going to lose our way, are we or have we?


John Pudner  07:28

Well, I think it's interesting. The country is 5050 divided on which president would be the big threat to democracy. It's actually an even, whicch it's really amazing, since that's the Democrats whole campaign, but they're only even on that question now, so half the country is gonna think democracies at an end, but the election is just which half.


Stevie Jay  07:50

Yeah, right. John, always a pleasure, sir. Thanks so much.


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