Just as it did for Ronald Reagan’s Presidential campaign, grassroots still starts with meeting people. TBOR Action connected with Reagan campaign legends Richard Viguerie (top right photo, left, with former TBOR Action, NRA and Christian Coalition lobbyist Chuck Cunningham) and Roger Stauter (bottom right photo, middle, with TBOR Action President John Pudner and his former Marquette classmate—and Wisconsin Governor–Scott Walker). Grassroots continues to be effective, as can be seen by the other photos from the last 48 hours in Virginia, at events in Noel Wilkins’ home county of Orange (bottom left) and John’s former home county of Spotsylvania (top left).
How much more powerful could Reagan’s grassroots movement have been if he had the modern data and targeting tools now available? That was the question TBOR Action’s team posed as it prepares for candidate and campaign schools set to be held in Wisconsin (Dane County, Appleton, and Waukesha; sign up at www.takebackwi.org to learn of a meeting near you). TBOR Action also plans to announce a new chair for a similar effort in Virginia. The photos above, where hundreds of residents carved out time to make sure their concerns are understood by local and state officials, illustrate the need to make sure sound political rules incentivize elected officials to represent their constituents instead of deep-pocketed public unions, multinational corporations and power-hungry political machines.
The key to effective training is to focus on BOTH proven grassroots standard-bearers–events and door-to-door efforts–as well as modern digital and targeting campaigns. TBOR Action campaign schools cover the entire range. While the initial training is scheduled in Wisconsin, out-of-state applications are also being received at www.takebackwi.org; you can apply today if you are considering running for local office or working on campaigns.
TBOR Action in Action
Different aspects of TBOR Action’s comprehensive approach are highlighted by the choice of photos above. Pudner often credits Viguerie’s mentoring for many of his winning strategies from his string of successful field efforts in 80s and 90s Virginia. Chuck Cunningham is a former lobbyist for the Christian Coalition and the NRA; later, as lobbyist for TBOR Action, he secured 83 co-sponsors for a bill to stop ActBlue's process of collecting billions in unverified contributions.
Comms and Eastern Field Director Noel Wilkins has been busy in his continued communications work while connecting with local grassroots activists and candidates across Orange County in the heart of rural Virginia. In the home area of Founding Father, Constitutionalist, and former President James Madison, local residents asked for help in addressing corporate threats to their way of life. Noel has not only done that, but is helping to build TBOR Action’s Virginia network (much as John once built Ohio Americans for Prosperity from scratch).
In the bottom left photo, Noel is pictured with one of the candidates from a Wednesday night forum, Steve Keeler (left). TBOR Action does not endorse candidates for office, but we appreciated the chance to talk about key issues as we prepare to announce a Chair for the Commonwealth of Virginia with impeccable election credentials. Noel also attended events in neighboring areas to further familiarize himself with the community and connect on key issues, such as the one pictured, in Spotsylvania.
TBOR Action is looking forward to helping residents across our Republic to implement more transparent decision-making instead of rubber-stamping proposals from Far-Off Big Money, and ensure that the voices of grassroots activists across our Republic are heard and represented in their local, state, and national government.